Back to School Already!
It’s hard to believe, but it is back to school time already! Last week, I met my 25 anxious fourth graders at Open House. Growing up in New Jersey, we didn’t have the option to meet our teacher or see our classroom before the first day of school. Looking back on it, I wish we did because it can definitely ease some (not all) of those nerves!
Because the night of Open House usually flies by and is pretty chaotic, I went with a different approach for Open House. In the past, I’ve been so concerned about getting required papers back signed that night. But instead of putting my focus on requirements, I made my own requirement: ENJOY MEETING MY NEW STUDENTS! Seems simple.. and it was always a priority… but it was never my sole focus.
How I Organized for Open House
This year, I organized my flow for Open House in a simple way. Here’s what I did:
1. Easy desk layout for parents and students.

2. Make a special treat for the kiddos! (Or two! 🙂 )

3. Personalize something for each student. I wrote each student a small letter on the back of the postcard.

4. Put the unneeded paperwork out of sight. I used a manila envelope and sealed it with the papers that the parents could look at on their own time.
5. Simplify the paperwork! I used a flipbook from Chalk and Apples that I bought on TpT. It’s editable and amazing! Click Here to Find the Flipbook on TPT!

6. Create a parent checklist. Let’s be honest… they have just as much trouble following directions as the kids do! haha

7. Enjoy meeting your new students!!!
Most importantly, I hope you all have an awesome Open House and Back to School season! This time of year can be CrAzY for teachers! Above all, do your best to put it all aside and focus on those new faces in your classroom! 🙂
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